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Donna Tschiffely & Shannon McCracken speaking on a stage at the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium.

7 Insights from the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium

I had the good fortune to attend the Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium last month in Washington, DC. If I had one word to describe this conference, it would be “Wow!” Co-produced by the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW) and The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA), this conference was different in all the right ways. Here are 7 Insights from the sessions that I hope will help you with your own fundraising program.

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The Legislative Round-Up, Joint Session of Congress Image in Background

Legislative Round-Up | April 2023

TNPA hosted another of its Capitol Hill Days on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. This one was once again virtual, but our next in the summer will be an in-person event with TNPA members flying in for a day of meetings on Capitol Hill. The two centerpiece meetings of the day were with our champions on the Universal Charitable Deduction issue, Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE).

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Headshot of Senator Chris Coons (D-DE).

Congressional Spotlight: Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)

Each month The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) introduces you to a member of Congress who is a leader on legislative matters important to our TNPA community, with representation from both parties. TNPA had the opportunity to ask Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) a few questions. TNPA has enjoyed getting to know Senator Coons, and greatly appreciates his focus on the nonprofit sector. We look forward to continuing to work closely with him in the future.

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Logo of TNPA Leading EDGE.

Leading EDGE Presents….The Student Perspective

Want to learn more about the younger generation and prepare for future employees? Leading EDGE presents The Student Perspective blog series! In this installment, hear from TNPA marketing intern, Patricia Aniagba, on her takeaways from Pamela Taylor’s Career Day keynote speech, specifically on school, work, and life balance.

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The Legislative Round-Up, Joint Session of Congress Image in Background

Legislative Round-Up | March 2023

On February 28, Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) introduced their Universal Charitable Deduction legislation, S. 566. The bill was renamed from the previous "The Universal Giving and Pandemic Response and Recovery Act" to simply "The Charitable Act."  The Universal Charitable Deduction of $600 for married couples filing jointly and $300 for individual tax filers expired on December 31, 2021.

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The Legislative Round-Up, Joint Session of Congress Image in Background

Legislative Round-Up | February 2023

Tomorrow Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) will introduce legislation to restore and expand the non-itemizer charitable tax deduction - also known as the Universal Charitable Deduction. This legislation is intended to restore the Universal Charitable Deduction of $600 for married couples filing jointly and $300 for single tax filers that expired on December 31, 2021.

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Headshot of Senator Susan Collins (ME)

Congressional Spotlight: Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)

The Nonprofit Alliance has worked closely with Senator Susan Collins of Maine. We know her best for her leadership alongside Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Coons (D-DE) on legislation to create a Universal Charitable Deduction open to all taxpayers, regardless of their level of income when supporting 501(c)3 charitable causes. This important legislation expired at the end of 2021, but will be re-introduced on Wednesday and Senator Collins will again be active in supporting this measure.  

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TNPA's Advocacy Program, TNPA Icon

Involvement in TNPA’s Advocacy Program: It’s Fun & You Can Help the Nonprofit Sector

Now that the 118th Congress is sworn in, the legislative work begins! TNPA is here to guide and shape the policies that matter to the nonprofit sector. Your membership supports that. You can get involved and make TNPA’s voice and impact even stronger. We have a variety of options for you to not only help the nonprofit sector, but also network with interesting people and have some fun!

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