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Leading EDGE Updates | February 2024

What is Leading EDGE?

Logo of TNPA Leading EDGE.

The Nonprofit Alliance’s (TNPA) Leading EDGE is an internship program for college-age job candidates who are interested in careers within the nonprofit sector!

Featured Professional

Headshot of Nicole Franklin.

Meet Nicole Franklin, Director of Makers United at Nest, as she looks back on her nonprofit career journey.

Student Spotlight

Headshot of Timothy.

Hear from Leading EDGE alum and University of Maryland grad, Timothy Azucena, on his career journey from intern to full-time hire at Moore.

Schools in Action

Logo for Baruch College.

The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management (CNSM) at Baruch College in New York City supports current and future nonprofit professionals through research, education, and public engagement.

Industry Profile

Logo for Human Rights Campaign.

The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law.

Announcements & Resources Section

Leah at Further.

Read more about hosting an intern and other ways to support Leading EDGE programs.

Partner with Us!

Group of diverse, young individuals.

Leading EDGE sponsorship opportunities are now available for 2023-2025 through The Nonprofit Alliance Foundation. Read more to see how your organization can support our mission and demonstrate your corporate values.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Gold Sponsors

Logo for Moore.

Bronze Sponsors

Logo for Avalon.

Logo for Lautman Maska Neill & Co. New. 2024.
Shelby Truxon
Author: Shelby Truxon

Shelby Truxon is Vice President of Internship Experience at The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA).

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