Congressional Spotlight: Representative Blake Moore (R-UT)
Each month The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) introduces you to a member of Congress who is a leader on legislative matters important to our TNPA community, with representation from both parties.

Before Congressman Blake Moore of Utah was elected to Congress in 2020, the Congressman worked for various small businesses and served in the Foreign Service, experiences that now guide his work on domestic and foreign policy in Congress. As a Principal at Cicero Group, he worked on social impact, marketing research, and strategy practice areas leading projects and serving the firm’s clients throughout Utah and the nation. He has expertise in education, financial services, public policy, healthcare, transportation, and supply chain, where he has been a problem solver for his clients.
The Congressman also served in the Foreign Service for the U.S. Department of State, where he gained first-hand knowledge of America’s international threats. This experience gave him insight into the importance of our diplomatic apparatus, the readiness of our Armed Forces, and the nation’s commitment to strengthening partnerships and alliances around the globe.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, the Congressman serves as the first-ever Utah Republican on the House Ways & Means Committee, the critically important committee which oversees tax policy. His subcommittee assignments on Ways & Means include Healthcare, Social Security, and Work and Welfare. He also serves on the Budget Committee, where he has worked hard in the effort to reverse our ever-burgeoning national debt.
We at TNPA know him best for his work on the Universal Charitable Deduction. And just last week, the Congressman introduced H.R. 3435, the Charitable Act. He was joined by Representatives Chris Pappas (D-NH), Michelle Steel (R-CA), and Danny Davis (D-IL) on this important bipartisan measure which would allow all taxpayers — regardless of their level of income — to deduct up to 1/3 of the current Standard Deduction, which is $13,850 for individual taxpayers and $27,700 for married couples, when making charitable contributions. Given that only 9% of taxpayers itemize their taxes and thus can claim a deduction when supporting a charity, Congressman Moore’s legislation would benefit the 91% of taxpayers who currently receive no tax benefit when making a charitable contribution.
TNPA looks forward to continuing to work closely with Congressman Moore.