Legislative Round-Up | December 2024

2025 Promises to be a Busy Year on Capitol Hill
TNPA will be on the move when the 119th Congress convenes on January 3, 2025. Legislative developments could fundamentally affect nonprofits’ fundraising capabilities, operational compliance requirements, and even their very existence as tax-exempt organizations, making it crucial for nonprofit leaders to stay informed and engaged with these policy discussions.
Let’s start with our bedrock issue – the need for comprehensive bipartisan national privacy legislation. The change in Senate control to a Republican majority could have significant impact. Several advocates for national privacy legislation will be in important positions: Senator John Thune (R-SD) will be the new Senate Majority Leader, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) will chair the all-important Senate Commerce Committee, and Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) will be a key player serving on Senate Commerce. All three Senators have a long history of advocating for national privacy legislation that will preempt current or future state privacy statutes. The need for national legislation has never been stronger, with 14 states having enacted comprehensive privacy statutes and likely more to follow.
Universal charitable deduction legislation will again be front and center, with Congress poised to enact a $4-5 trillion mega tax package. Acting on the massive tax package will be an urgent priority, with much of the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act scheduled to expire at the end of 2025.
Important artificial intelligence legislation could move early in 2025. The bipartisan AI regulatory legislation of Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) will gain traction in the new Congress. This legislation was reported out of the Senate Commerce Committee this summer and is expected to move forward in the new Congress.
Legislation denying tax-exempt status to nonprofits without due process will almost certainly rear its head again. The legislation, which passed the House with strong Republican support in November but was not adopted by the current Democratic-led Senate, would have granted the Treasury Department unprecedented and unchecked power to deny tax-exempt status to nonprofit organizations, including social justice groups, media organizations, universities, and civil liberties organizations, based on a unilateral accusation of wrongdoing without due process.
Update on NJ’s Daniel’s Law
ICYMI: Read The NonProfit Times December 11 article covering a United States District Court Judge’s decision on data firms’ motion to dismiss lawsuits, and TNPA Regulatory Counsel Robert Tigner’s interpretation of what it means for nonprofits fundraising in New Jersey.
Legislation in the States
Read more about new state laws and proposed state bills that could impact the work of the nonprofit sector by visiting TNPA’s State Legislation webpage.
Around Capitol Hill in 90 Seconds with Mark Micali
December 2024 | Recorded: 12.11.2024
Congressional Spotlight: Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
Each month TNPA introduces you to a member of Congress who is a leader on legislative matters important to our TNPA community, with representation from both parties.

Q&A with Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
TNPA has worked closely with Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico and had the opportunity to ask the Senator a few questions:
What was the moment you realized you were serious about getting into public service?
It was a trip into the backcountry of southwestern New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness over two decades ago now that helped me chart a whole new course for the rest of my life. I had been enjoying my work as an outfitter guide and educator, but I wanted to find a new direction. The terrorist attacks on September 11 had just sent a major shockwave through our country, and I felt a deep calling to serve my community and country.
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