Gender Matters: Growing Women’s Philanthropy
A 2-part Virtual Program & Workshop
With Kathleen Loehr, Senior Consultant, Aspen Leadership Group
January 12, 3-4pm EDT &
January 14, 3-5pm EDT
CFRE credits available (3)
- Women tend to be more loyal donors than men.
- Women tend to be more responsive donors to disasters.
- Women tend to include – and influence – their charitable networks.
- Nonprofits tend to treat all donors the same.
Women’s wealth is rising quickly, as is their influence in both family philanthropic decisions and their own individual giving. How are you preparing for this next decade when women will become even more powerful philanthropists in our society, giving in ways that are different than men? Following a year like 2020, what opportunities are you already missing?
In this 2-part workshop, you can establish the Why and the How for your organization’s fundraising evolution to become more inclusive of historically under-represented groups. Based on the success of many organizations who have begun this inclusive work, you will also quickly increase your fundraising results.
Part I: Women Are Now Driving Philanthropy – Are You Prepared to Engage Them?
Part One will provide you the compelling evidence that gender matters. Learn about the research on gender differences in charitable giving behavior, including the intersection of gender, race, and philanthropy and how women give during times of crises. With several success stories from organizations which changed their approach to resonate more deeply with women and gained significant results, you will be much more aware of how you can translate the research into adapted fundraising behaviors to significantly grow the support from your donors who identify as women.
This “traditional” one-hour webinar format will include interactive polling and sidebar chat features as Kathleen navigates the foundational research that can drive your individual strategic and creative planning processes to more appropriately – and successfully – engage women donors.
Part II: Gender Matters: A Practical Approach to Grow Women’s Philanthropy
Part Two will be a two-hour working session meant to kick-start your actions to grow fundraising results through intentional connection to women.
We now know that our deeply engrained “best practices” either turn off women or gain only minimal support from them when so much more is possible. With that knowledge and the specifics on how and why women give differently, what are the practices, behaviors, and processes to adapt so we engage women donors in ways that acknowledge their preferences?
This workshop will help leaders and fundraisers understand in greater depth the current fundraising behaviors that may not resonate with their donors who identify as women, including women of color. Using your “homework assignment” following Part I, come ready to translate the research into more effective approaches and develop specific adaptations for your program. Participants will break into smaller virtual roundtables with facilitated discussion to present challenges, share insights, and ultimately leave the workshop with your own action steps.
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Who should attend:
Mid- and Senior-level nonprofit fundraisers, major giving officers, creative directors and copywriters, and nonprofit fundraising counsel.
$39 for TNPA members / $49 for non-members. Space is limited.
About Kathleen
Kathleen Loehr’s women’s philanthropy expertise results from strategic designs to engage more women at universities (Cornell University, University of San Francisco, Duke University, The College of William & Mary), nonprofits (American Red Cross, Women Moving Millions, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, the National Women’s History Museum), sororities (Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, the Alpha Phi Foundation) and girls’ schools (Louise S. McGehee School). Kathleen is a Senior Consultant at Aspen Leadership Group and translates the research on how women give into practical actions fundraisers can take in her book, Gender Matters: A Guide to Growing Women’s Philanthropy (2018).
*Registration transfer and cancellation policies: Registrations are non-refundable. You may transfer your registration to a colleague at no charge by notifying TNPA in writing at at least 48 hours prior to the event.
TNPA DEI Accountabilities: As part of our organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, TNPA strives to hold ourselves accountable for putting our principles into practice. We apply this same accountability to those who create and/or present content on our behalf:
- Be inclusive. Create content that can resonate with an array of listeners and readers.
- Speak to diversity. Recognize that members of an audience or cohort have various lived experiences.
- Recognize that systemic inequities and discrimination exist. Do your best to acknowledge how we can mitigate against them.
- Be mindful of explicit and implicit bias. Review content through the lens of varied identities.
TNPA Code of Conduct: The Nonprofit Alliance exists to foster the development and growth of nonprofit organizations and to protect the donors, members, partners, and volunteers that support them. At all educational offerings and conferences, we commit to fostering an environment free from physical, emotional, and psychological harm. We will not tolerate harassment, discrimination, and intimidation of any form. All individuals must exhibit professionalism, must demonstrate respect for others, must act with civility, and must refrain from inappropriate and unwelcomed physical contact, sexual references and aggressive advances. Anyone who experiences or witnesses a violation to these standards, should immediately contact TNPA CEO Shannon McCracken. Anyone found in violation of the TNPA Code of Conduct by any means may receive a warning, have membership suspended, registration forfeited, or experience escalation to legal authorities.