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ADRFCO Council's mission is to protect the legitimate interests of direct-response fundraising consultants.

ADRFCO Council

Association of Direct Response Fundraising Counsel (ADRFCO) was founded in 1986 to protect the legitimate interests of direct-response fundraising consultants by aiming to achieve three main goals:

  1. To create and enforce the industry’s first set of comprehensive ethical standards,
  2. To represent its members’ interests before state and federal government, and
  3. To educate nonprofit organizations and the general public about the use of direct-response fundraising.

Every day, ADRFCO works to instill confidence in the public—and provide vital information to direct-response fundraising professionals all around the country. We are dedicated to educating the public about the positive impact of direct-response fundraising.

Is your nonprofit organization a good candidate for a direct response fundraising program?

Start here to assess the investment and opportunity.

Members & Partners

ADRFCO Council Members are professional fundraising counsel who subscribe to a comprehensive ethics code, the Rules of Business Ethics and Practice.  Members offer advice and counsel, conduct feasibility studies, and develop and advise the production and delivery of fundraising materials.

ADRFCO Council Partners offer services including copywriting, data services, legal and accounting, list brokerage and management, envelope and label production, telefunding, and mailing, printing and production management.  ADRFCO Council recognizes the support of our Partners and endorses them for business relationships.

“CDR joined ADRFCO to help promote the direct response fundraising industry. The organization’s principles and goals from the beginning aligned so well with our own values and vision that it instantly felt like something we should be a part of. As the world of fundraising, and the world itself has changed, our membership helps us stay up to date by providing us with information and advocacy around topics facing our industry, upholds us all to the highest ethical standards, and makes sure we have the opportunity to learn and grow as fundraising professionals. The benefits of being part of such an amazing group who want to change the world, one fundraising effort at a time, is immeasurable. We are proud to call ourselves members of the ADRFCO Council.”

– Marni Grimm, VP Operations, Moore, CDR Division

“Networking, networking, networking … relationships, comradery, singularly focused, a partnership to help our clients get their message out in a timely fashion.  ADRFCO to me is an extension of TNPA in a more intimate setting.  Everyone supports each other.  It is a solid foundation for our business and a way to stay in front of our clients more regularly.  There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by being a Partner.”

– Alan Rich, President, Nova Label

Photo Gallery | 2024 ADRFCO Council Partners Luncheon

ADRFCO Council Advisory Board

Cathy Carley – Sanky Communications, Inc.

Catherine Connolly – CMConnolly

Craig DePole – Newport One

Bryan Evangelista – Lautman Maska Neill & Co.

Cathy Finney – ABD Direct

Marni Grimm – Moore, CDR Division

Sarah Hartke – Schultz & Williams

Alyssa Jefferies – Meyer Partners

Kerri Kerr – Avalon Consulting

Andy Laudano – RKD Group

Chris Law – NNE Marketing

John Mini – John Mini Consulting

Polly Papsadore – Production Management Group (PMG): The Engage Group

Bert Salter – Concord Direct

Peter Schoewe – Mal Warwick Donordigital

George Whelan – Moore, Amergent Division

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